Monthly House Cleaning

Is Monthly Right For You?

  • You have 3 or less people living in your home
  • You don't have pets
  • OR your pets don't shed
  • You don't mind doing some mild cleaning yourself such as running the vacuum cleaner, cleaning the toilets, and spot cleaning the floors with a mop 1-2x a month.

Our monthly cleaning does take more effort for us than the weekly or bi-weekly option. So please allow us to be in the your home for some extra time. Monthly reoccurs every 4 weeks on a set day of the week. We encourage you not to skip or change your appointment unless absolutely necessary.

Click on the BOOK NOW button below to send us your information. The price calculator is a rough estimate only based on your home size. The actual price will be determine during your free in-person estimate.


Whole Home 50 Point Checklist

Move-in Or Move-Out Home Cleaning

Initial Clean aka Deep Clean

Weekly House Cleaning

Bi-Weekly House Cleaning

Monthly House Cleaning

General Cleaning

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